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Medical Information Disclaimer

1.   The information and advice provided here is for the purposes of providing information, education and general advice about children’s health care issues.

2. The information and general advice provided herein should not be relied upon as an alternative to the medical advice offered in person by your GP, Paediatrician or other health professional and is not a replacement or substitute for health care relating to your child’s specific condition.

3. The information and general advice provided herein is done so in the knowledge that the information provided by you is accurate and reliable.

4. The general advice provided herein is for information and educative purposes only.  Before relying on this information or general advice, you should evaluate carefully its relevance for your child’s condition.  In many cases your child may require more in-depth assessment in person by your own GP, paediatrician or other health professional.

5. If you have concerns that your child is acutely unwell, you must take your child immediately to your local GP or local Emergency Department. Kids Consult should not be relied upon to provide acute or emergency advice.

6. The nature of medical information and advice is such that recommendations may vary as time progresses, as new treatments or knowledge become available. Therefore, previous advice published herein cannot always be relied upon at future times.

7. Although reasonable efforts are made to ensure the quality and accuracy of information mentioned herein which is obtained from other sources, no responsibility can be accepted for the quality and accuracy of these other sources, particularly as they can be based on various material, may be updated from time to time, and their relevance can change over time.  

8. Private messages requesting information and general advice may be posted on the public page as “Anonymous” with all identifiable information removed, in order to further the education of those who utilise the page.  This should not be used as a replacement or substitute for care provided by your GP, Paediatrician or other health professional in person. Requests should be confined to requests for information and general advice about children’s health issues.

9. The Administrator of the page takes no responsibility for the actions of those who utilise the page